Jul 27, 2006 12:23
i think i might have some sort of disease in which your body stops existing piece by piece because i can no longer trust in my legs to get me from anywhere to anywhere else. they are being extremely unsteady and disappear-y and i'm not down with that at all. like i just, well, a few minutes ago, i let the dog in, and i was trying to walk from the door to the couch, a distance of a good eight feet, and my legs just... i like... lost control of them, i couldn't feel them, it was like they weren't there. like they were GHOST LEGS. i haven't tried to walk again, but i need to, because i need to go to harmon's and buy gasoline and get back to work, but i don't want to have that happen again, because it was extremely weird and kind of creepy. also i need to walk over to the door again to let my dog out because he's pacing and making me anxious. BUT WHAT IF MY LEGS ARE STILL NOT THERE. god, life is so weird.