These are not news by any stretch of the imagination - just want to put these links here for completion's sake.
No Wellington premiere for Desolation of Smaug - a slight updated on that are in the following article:
Hobbit news in brief: new production video soon, trailer reactions and premiere update The first The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug trailer is now up at the
Official website, of course, and you can find an analysis by TORn staff
here and, more in detail,
NZSO hits high note with Hobbit sequelAn Unexpected Journey Extended Edition release date? And here are some of Peter Jackson's Facebook updates:
Sir Ian's last shot,
Orlando's last day, including a little video,
Production DIary #11,
Martin's last day, and a picture of
Smaug admiring Bilbo's feet!
And this last one isn't Hobbit related, but might be of interest anyway:
Peter Jackson talks to Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost about World's End