Here are the last few Hobbit related stories I had pending in my tabs:
Peter Jackson: snippets of Del Toros’ Hobbit remain Commencement - from "The Music of The Lord of the Rings Films" author Doug Adams, marking the start of the Hobbit recording session in London on Monday, August 20, 2012, and announcing he will write another book about the
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Thanks ! You are a brilliant source for ' The Hobbit ' news.
I loved that Peter Jackson was so keen to get Martin Freeman to play Bilbo. And even though Martin had declined, because Martin had been obligated to ' Sherlock ', Peter Jackson was watching some episode of the first season and said to himself "This is the right guy to play Bilbo !" and then he arranged filming with Martin for ' The Hobbit ' to happen AROUND Martin's obligations to ' Sherlock '. - And you know what ? I see that the same way, exactly !
Watching Martin in ' Sherlock ' is such a fascinating mix of worldliness, dry humour, friendly sarcasm, and human emotions, mixed with a certain matureness. And Martin's embracing life the same way a Hobbit would do.
Martin Freeman in his younger years doesn't do much for me. There, he is just a comedian like many other comedians, someone to generate laughs. But when he started ' Sherlock ', he was just at the right age, and at the right stage of life experiences - the right age for playing Bilbo.
When I watch Martin in ' Sherlock ', I can SEE Bilbo in him. And the few snippets of the trailers and production videos with Bilbo scenes in them have confirmed this. He is SO right, in the same way Elijah was SO right for Frodo, both were / are lucky choices, one(s) in a million!
Thank you for keeping me up to date on ' The Hobbit ' (and maybe, in the future, on ' Sherlock ' as well ?) !
- Karin.
P.S. I still have no Martin icon - that has to change soon !
Yes, it's fantastic that PJ was so eager to get Martin that they changed the filming schedule to fit around his Sherlock obligations! I'm sure Martin will make an excellent young Bilbo. I must admit, I have hardly seen any of his work previous to Sherlock - I'd heard of him, but somehow missed seeing him, apart from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I've since seen a few things, but still not many, and I agree, I am less interested in the types of comedies he often used to do. But in Sherlock he's just perfect as John Watson!
I will certainly postSherlock updates once they start coming in around the end of this/start of next year! :)
And I will be eager to read them . . .
- Karin.
P.S. And eventually I created some Martin Freeman icons for myself !
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