While MGM flounders to restructure, TV pays the bills has alerted us to an LA Times story from May 24 that suggests a tangled situation indeed as MGM’s debtors try to find someone to take charge of restructuring the studio.
So it’s interesting to read a contrasting story posted yesterday by Variety that gives us some information about a question that has occurred to many of us: How has MGM kept operating during these tough times? What pays the bills?
Read the full post at the link above to find out more.
EDITED TO ADD: ‘Hobbit’ greenlight? Not so fast and *update* with 3D less likely
May 27th, 2010 by MrCere | Discuss
Rumors have hit the interwebs today that there is an now an official greenlight for ‘The Hobbit’ which we have learned is not true and further have learned that that 3-D is a bit unlikely at this point. A greenlight would mean that Warner Bros. either with MGM or despite MGM and its uncertain future, have approved a budget and put the movie-making machine in motion. We checked with our global spy network and our own Xoanon heard back from sources in New Zealand that this is not true. So fans, calm those heart palpitations.
Update #1: Another rock-solid trusted source has checked with duplicate info so if there were any doubts, obliterate them. No lights are green*.
On the side of good news, a completely different source confirmed that word is out to those involved with the production to prepare for a potential November start date. So while there isn’t officially a ‘go’ on the pair of films to be directed by Guillermo del Toro and produced by Peter Jackson, the film industries in Hollywood and Wellington are still keeping that target in mind. That, as Kiwis can tell you, turns out to be just about the right time to shoot on Hobbiton. And, if it wasn’t clear already, the moment, yea, the instant we hear official word has been given, we will post it here. *Update #2: There is nothing definitive but a highly placed source also tells us today (thanks to the green ruckus) that 3D looks less likely at this point. Reading between the lines, 3D would add to both budget and schedule and the parties involved don’t want to sacrifice story or time just to have 3D flicks.