Bag End WETA Collectible update by Daniel Falconer

Jan 22, 2010 07:28


One of the first things to do when the notion of producing Bag End as a miniature collectible environment was mooted was to get some artwork for us all to look at and discuss. We can talk about a piece all we want but its impossible to really begin meaningful discussion until a visual exists that defines the bounds of the piece. With a common visual to reference the team can discuss specifics, like, "Will it include the tree? If it does, how big does that necessitate the collectible being? What do we do with the back of the hill? Where do we bisect it? How far down the hill in front of the gate will the collectible extend? How small will the windows be? How about the garden? What shape will the base need to be?"

Full article at the link above. Click on the pictures for a bigger view. Not much to see yet, obviously, but you'll get an idea of what will be included. Hee, Daniel is growing a beard!

TGIF! And hopefully this weekend I won't have a sore throat to tend to. *crosses fingers*

merchandise, weta, lord of the rings, people: daniel falconer

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