I think PJ and Guillermo would be lynched if this was the case...

Aug 27, 2009 10:32

And Bilbo is . . . Tom Cruise?

With MGM involved in financing “The Hobbit,” and Tom Cruise heading its United Artists division, its been a TORn staff hobby to joke about Tom Cruise playing Bilbo. Far fetched? Perhaps, but, he just flew to Wellington to meet with Peter Jackson. No joke.

Click on the link above for more.

I have some other Hobbit related links to post but haven't had the energy so far to put together a post. I also am waaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind on comments at and here - see energy. I'll get around to them eventually - hopefully over the weekend. Today was the first time that I didn't wake up at 5am, yay! Still tired though. I really need to go through my pics and videos too. Oh well - one step at a time...

Have a good Thursday!

films: the hobbit, personal stuff, aotearoa09

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