
Mar 17, 2009 22:42

I'm all caught up on Legend of the Seeker! Watched eps 8 to 10 yesterday evening, and 11 to 15 tonight. Good grief, ep 8 "Denna" certainly was Fetish Central, with the Mord Sith "Mistresses" and a topless Richard (Craig Horner) showing off his sixpack while hanging from chains and being tortured... I might have to rewatch those scenes... um. What?! Didn't my LJ subtitle give away that I am pervy that way?! ;P

Also, shirasade you were right, ep 12 "Home" - besides the annoyingly long and frequent flashbacks - had some... err, interesting moments, if you stop to think about the fact that Richard's childhood friend Anna who was kissing him in his "dream", really was Darken Rahl - which is kind of hot, but at the same time SO wrong, as those familiar with the "Sword of Truth" books know... ;D

Oh and did I mention that finally Darken Rahl (Craig Parker) is getting a decent amount of screentime? And that he seems to have been feeling too hot lately to don his heavy velvet coat, and is instead wearing only this again? *hides droolbucket*

You know, LotS is not the best series ever, but I am enjoying it quite a lot, besides the perving, the fun of spotting familiar names/faces, and admiring the gorgeous NZ landscapes. I think it's getting better and finding its stride. Good fun, and I may well end up getting it on DVD, once it's available.

But now it's time for bed. And hopefully some nice dreams of darkly seductive bad boys and tortured, tainted heroes... ;)

people: craig parker, tv: legend of the seeker, perving

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