saura - thanks a lot for your card and the Santa ornament, I love it! *hugs*
Also, I totally forgot to update/finish my 8 Days meme, so here goes:
Day 6, the 25th: Nice Chinese Fondue dinner with sister and her family, and then the Doctor Who Christmas special. I thought David and Dennis Morrissey were great together, it looked like they had a ball. :) Now to wait until Easter for the next one... Gah! Oh and apparently rumour is that Torchwood will air in the summer, possibly July?! If that's true, they better do it before the summer holidays start, since I can't very well keep up while in New Zealand!
Day 7, the 26th and Day 8, the 27th: Errr... Nothing particular that I can remember, really, though I'm sure there was one thing or another. I'd say sleeping in, but I've not been sleeping very well lately. But being able to just stay home, watch DVDs, lounge about and occasionally cross something off my to-do list is certainly good. :)
Right, now off to bed with me in hopes of being able to fall asleep before 5AM (it's 3:15AM right now). Night night!