Computer update

Aug 29, 2008 09:18

Took a cursory glance at my flist and thought I'd update you on the status of my computer's harddisc while I'm on here:

I ran the simple HD diagnostic that's on my computer and it seems there are some "bad tracks on sectors" - i.e. it's the HD, not the Windows installation, which would have been the other (and more easily fixed) possibility. Swell... At least I have everything backed up, maybe with the exception of the very latest e-mails from Wednesday - hopefully there was nothing important in there... Will ask our support guy what he thinks, if I should run some further diagnostics or do something else, or just get a new HD. Thank goodness those things don't cost the world, annoying as this is.

So unless we find a quick way to repair this thing, you can expect me to be very silent over the weekend... I may check my mail and flist once or twice at my sister's, but that would be it I guess.


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