Meme, driveby recap of the past weeks

Jun 22, 2008 19:53

This certainly didn't come as a surprise...

You fit in with:

40% spiritual.
60% reason-oriented.

Your ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way. While spirituality is very important in your life, organized religion itself may not be for you. It is best for you to seek these things on your own terms.

Take This Quiz at

I realised I hardly posted anything except Hobbit updates lately. Mostly because I was very busy at work - the good kind - and still getting used to working 5 days a week again, after 6 years of working 4 days a week... It's not as bad as I feared it would be, but I'm still rather tired in the evenings, and seemingly being unable to sleep deeply and undisturbed doesn't help. Had worse phases though, other times.

The AO Foundation which I now work for celebrated its 50th anniversary on the last day of its Trustee Meeting (on the 14th), with a big gala dinner (about 800 people) which was held in the ice stadium here in Davos. You wouldn't have recognised it at all, it was so transformed! Amazing, and it was a fun night. I had also been on microphone duty in one of the parallel sessions at the meeting (ie carrying around a microphone for when someone in the audience wanted to ask the speaker a question) which was interesting, also thanks to the fact that each of the five times "my" session took place, there were different speakers, while in all the other sessions they had the same speakers...

Friday night I had some ex work colleagues from SLF here for dinner, using dishes from Nigella Lawson's book "Nigella Express", and thank goodness they all turned out delicious, and it was a lovely night.

Tomorrow there's a trip to the Italian part of Switzerland for AO employees. It will probably be hot - summer has finally arrived in Switzerland on Thursday, and today it was REALLY warm here already, so it will be even warmer down south. It will also be a long day, with us leaving at 6:30AM, and being back sometime in the evening, can't remember when.

I guess that's about it. I hope it will stay warm for a good while now!

Right, off to take a quick bath and wash my hair...

personal stuff, memeage

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