Early morning post by ODQ - oh no, this can't be good! ;)

Sep 11, 2007 07:38

Just saw the following headline on the TORn news feed:

The Uruk-hai Project

Hands up who else thought of/thought it had to do with ladysunrope's story first thing! :D

Also Tolkien/LotR related, this might be of interest to some of you:

Tolkien Sculpture Appeal Goes Global

Anyone else find it ironic that the Ent they want to create is made of metal?

For no reason at all, I just now remembered that last week or so I came across pictures of an actor who I thought might also work as Thero in the "Night Runner" series... however I have forgotten the name (hadn't heard of him nor seen him before, from what I could tell), what he was in (I believe the pictures were of a specific project), and where and how I came across the pictures in the first place. Oh well.

books: nightrunner series, lord of the rings, fan fic: lotr

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