What the *bleep* is up with LJ please, not loading pages or only after the gazillionth try?! This is the second time in a week, and no it's not IE (same in Firefox) or my internect connection (I can reach other websites just fine)!
*stab stabbity stab*
*takes deep breath*
Anyway - look what
txvoodoo found!!! :D
More hi-res pics from yesterday's Joseph afterparty at the
Sparklies Gallery - there's some Lee and Keith too,
serenitysangel! ;)
*copies the text of this entry because the post probably won't go through until the gazillionth try* Gosh, on the first try! /sarcasm
Weta does Doctor Who collectibles!!!
ETA2: For those going to LFCC -
there are now tickets available for Dom photo sessions on the Saturday! ETA: And Sunday!