New Year's Day - and another meme

Jan 01, 2007 16:12

And a very fitting one too, considering I spent the last days (and a good part of the nights *cough*) watching the Firefly and Serenity commentaries and reading Firefly Slash... (I blame ladysunrope! ;))

So when I saw this at serenitysangel's LJ, being a good Browncoat, I of course had to immediately do it too. Anyone surprised at the result? ;) It does happen to be among my (many) favourite lines!

Which Firefly Line Are You?

"This must be what going mad feels like." (Simon, Jaynestown)
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I know I'm waaaay behind on replying to comments - I haven't forgotten about you, don't worry!

Hope y'all had a good start into the New Year!

memeage, tv: firefly

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