Greetings from Wales!

Sep 21, 2006 12:35

I'm sitting in front of ismenin's computer, catching up on LJ etc. I met her son digigrader (who's a good cook!) for the first time and her sister pattilovesviggo for the second time. Of course there has been lots of talking about Elijah and Frodo and LOTR and fic. :) Also got to talk to ladysunrope on the phone last night. *bounce* Yes, we will work on our mission today... ;)

Serenity 3 was lots of fun! Met some lovely people and the guests were all great, including Gigi Edgley from Farscape, which and who I have never seen, but she was very entertaining nonetheless. The panels were a lot of fun! Sean and Jewel got a little education in what's out there in (erotic) fan fic pairings during their panel on Sunday... I think for Sean particularly it was an eye opener, poor innocent thing! *giggle* Awww and they kissed at the closing ceremony! I of course didn't manage to capture it, but serenitysangel found a pic, it's only too bad it's from over Sean's shoulder so you don't really see it - but still. Ah, it was a wonderful time, though very tiring too!

Monday I went to Glastonbury, where I proceeded to catch a cold because it was so windy on top of the Tor and I only had my thin knitted cardigan. But it was wonderful; I love Glastonbury and it's the perfect place to re-energize yourself. Took lots of pics. I had thought about going to Wearyall Hill Tuesday morning (my bus left after 13:30) but decided against it in the end, instead browsing the market and some shops which had been closed Monday.

Umm I think that's the most important bits... I'll update whenever I have more to report and time to do it, and yes I will post pics at some point but don't know when yet. Have a good rest of the week everyone! :D

conventions: serenity 3 2006, glastonbury, personal stuff, people: sean maher, travel

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