Bloody fucking hell, you'd think that the exact same software, from the exact same company, or rather two different branches of said company in two different countries, would cost roughly the same, no? I mean a little difference is understandable with the exchange course movements they have to calculate in etc. But a difference of 280 FRANCS??????!!!!!!!
Adobe GoLive CS, Download version, at the Adobe US store: $399 aka about CHF 495
Adobe GoLive CS, Download version, at the Adobe Swiss store: CHF 779!!!!!
What the fucking hell could possibly justify that difference?????!!!!! Do they think we get fed money by the spoonful in Switzerland?! Do we get some super-duper edition with tons of stuff that the US don't get? Of course not! And of course you can only buy from the US store when you have an address in Canada, Mexico or the US! I need that bloody program - wanted to switch over for a long while already and I need it before I start the project for my sister's business - but I can not afford the price of the Swiss store! I have no idea what to do now!
*curse moan bitch rant*
ETA 5 minutes later: *snort* I think the rant helped to let off steam a bit, as I found this spam mail amusing:
From Maher: "Recently added Do you wish to become multi-orgasmic?" - Well if it's Sean Maher: baby, with you anytime!