Job Interview, Part II, or I Just Had Somebody Tell Me I was Too Introspective to A Fault, Part II

Feb 05, 2007 18:16

Just after writing Job Interview, Part I yesterday, I received a call from the other company. Turns out, they want to hire me. Yay! The feedback, according to the girl on the phone: The bosses thought that I was "too introspective". (Their words, not mine.) You read too much, she said. Well, so I guess, they were not impressed with my people-skills. But I have enough people skills to get by in my job, I think. It's not like I have to be chums with all of them.

Starting next month, should I pass my medical tests, I'll be working for this newspaper. (Which means R. and I will be working for the same company. Cool!) For the past three years, I have been working for this one . Although I learned a lot in my stay with them, it's not so great working for them anymore and I don't like how they treat their employees. I’ll be getting a pay cut and I'm back to square one, but that’s alright. The new company has a wider reach than my current one and more well-known, too. And less stuffy. I’m crossing my fingers that they won't put me in the police beat. Oh no. Please don't.

Speaking of R., we went looking for antique reproductions this morning, specifically, "antique" beds. (We make antiques while you wait!) We went back to the office with a book for me and a walking staff for him. It's about five feet and an inch in diameter. I think he's going to use it for decoration, but he says it's a deadly weapon. You can beat and poke somebody to death with it, I suppose. At the store, R. was trying Star-Wars-light-saber moves with it, like a seven-year old, which was pretty funny. But the salesclerk was looking at us - there were breakables in there - so I told him to cut it out. ("Please stop, you're embarrassing me.") But he wasn't really; the whole thing was hilarious and adorable.
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