Mar 05, 2005 12:52
You know what I am sick of? Everytime I go to a fast food resturant there is some "low carb" "low fat" low EVERYTHING altertitive diet. I go there knowing what is in the food and I am willing to eat it because it tastes good! And also knowing what idiots run that place. I'm not going to do additon and subtraction to find out what I can fucking eat. People need to stop being conserned about thier appearence. Just because some assholes need to create an idealistic vision of beauty and believe that good looks only exhist on the cover of a magazine, doesn't make it true. In the words of Foamy "We are all going to get old, we are all going to get wrinkles and we will all eventually DIE!" Your just choosing what way you are going to die.
And if you are fat, then don't sit on your fat ass and feel sorry for yourself, if your fat then your fat. Laughing at someone for being fat is like making fun of me for having shoes, or hair. If its true, its true. If you are sick of people calling you a fat bastard then you get off your ass and gouge thier eyes out! Maybe drop a few pounds that way. If you are fat because you enjoy eating, then don't stop. Food is good, eat it! Just don't get greedy.
That was partually inspired by Foamy.
Anyways, to get off the suject of fat people I am bored and home because I have a drs. Appt sometime soon ....... Any minute now....Hello....Ahh fuck this! I'm going skating, later.
Thats it for me, expect more...You won't get it.