Jun 22, 2010 19:32
Since someone stole all of the fun news to report on, I'll talk about some of the more day-to-day happiness. First and foremost, Jun-kun got me a Bayleef for my birthday! (Ohno-san got me a fish. Not that I'm not appreciative, Leader.) He's so friendly, though he likes to move furniture around in the condo using Vine Whip. He plays nice with Bonsly, though, which she seems really happy about. Magnemite and Bidoof have always been more of the rough-housing types, emphasis on "rough", so having a more gentle presence around has been nice for her.
Beyond that, we're gearing up for an Arashi family (I really should stop calling it that) dinner here in Jubilife. We're waiting for Sho-san and Aiba-san to get back, and then we're going to find a restaurant and... eat there. (The eating will be done with no small amount of profundity, of course, which is why I mentioned it in the first place.)
It's always fun to go out here, even though our family dinner won't come with the usual inappropriate amount of beer. This world is perfect for people-watching, because inevitably there will be some folks out with their Pokemon. I don't really believe in the idea that people look like their pets or their Pokemon (some eerily large noses notwithstanding), but you can figure out pretty easily what kind of trainer a person is by how his Pokemon act. Last time I left the condo (it happens on occasion), I passed a pair of kids playing with their Metapod. They were Hardening and rolling into each other, and it would have been mundane if the Metapod weren't doing it so enthusiastically. Now I'm not quite sure what that behavior from the Pokemon says about the kids, but I'd guess that they'll be really lively and encouraging Pokemon trainers when they get older. That, or they'll be bored when their Pokemon won't roll into each other anymore.
Who am I to make conjectures anyway, right? I'm just an observer passing by.
location: jubilife city,