Hi there! I'm Sarah, though I mostly go by Sadie. My name is all over my room however so I figured to avoid confusion....Anyway, I'm 22, originally from Toronto, Ontario in Canada. I recently graduated university and moved with my mom and step dad to a suburb about half an hour outside the city. I fell in love with this comm about two years ago but never had anything to post. I've been trying to make this room feel like home, and in an effort to help me along with that(and possibly keep me home a little longer) part of my Christmas present is redecorating. (Mostly just paint.) So this is a before more than anything I suppose. It still doesn't look completely lived in, it's a much smaller room than I'm used to so I have to keep it fairly organized or it starts to look majorly messy. I tend to ramble, I apologize in advance. Also for the random lighting changes, I switched back and forth between flash and no flash, the light in here is weird sometimes.... Suggestions are always welcome!
The view from my door, the entry way is kind of odd, it almost limits the space but opens it up at the same time I think? I liked the blue when we first bought the house but since I've changed my bedding it kind of looks weird..
To the right of the door is a shelving unit I've had for years, it used to be full of cds, I got rid of a bunch that I hadn't listened to in years. The bottom also used to have doors that I took off so I could show off some stuff. I can't fit all of my books in here, and I've got one of those plastic drawer things with a drawer full of movies in the spare room. I'm still working out where everything fits. To the right is another hanging light to be hung up over my bed and a photo collage frame my friend gave me as a graduation/going away present, pre-filled. The glass broke when I was moving out, I have to get more put in and hang it up.
One of my pride and joys, my stereo, I got it two years ago for Christmas, considering I was using a boombox before it was a couple steps up. The tiaras are from birthday's past while I was away, the wooden placard my grandfather made for my grandmother, my namesake. The weird thing hanging above it all is a collage from the summer I worked at Wonderland, crazy place but possibly one of my very favourite summer jobs ever.
There's lots of Betty Boop stuff here, I got hooked years ago and whenever family members see things they grab them. I was even Betty for Halloween this year! There's random fandom stuff hanging out in my room, I think its mostly only things I recognize. Random selection of books, basically things that fit here. The small Betty Boop Piano holds my earrings and Belle opens up, I think there are some random pendants in there. The larger piano is for all my other jewelry. The little robot guy is a gift from my best friend, its actually supposed to be the eleventh doctor with his fez, custard and fishsticks and screwdriver. Birthday present, I loved it. The car was from a show I was in, the director put them all in our loot bags. His corny way of "buying us a car". And then some random family photos
To the right of that, the wardrobe I'm using to keep everything that needs hanging in. My closet is kind of annoying and doesn't have a pole to hang things on. I keep my shoes in the bottom and all my purses and bags on top and out of the way. The green plastic thing is a cup from a bar we went to in Mexico during Reading Week last year, called Senor Frogs, loved it.
My little tv I've had since I was 16 and the terrible DVD player wihout a remote, to be fair I have to use a universal on the tv too, that remote disappeared when I was in first year. It stops working at the most random times. It's on top of the shelving unit I use for all my toiletries. That door doesn't stay open or closed, it's highly annoying but as you can see I'm kind of lacking space. I'm not allowed to cover up that vent under penalty of death. My nightstand and laptop, I have no room for a desk which kills me. I do most of my writing in my bed or at the kitchen counter.
Details: The picture frame was a gift from my friend for the show we just worked on, she's the blonde girl in the picture. We were the stage management team and the picture was one that was taken for front of house. The paper is a swan my roommate from the last semester made for me when I was having a particularly bad day. A picture frame of me and my family and my Betty Boop pimp cup,( I have no idea, Mom said that's what the girl at the store called it)
My bed, with this new bedding I now have 11 pillows on my bed. This is kind of the only way it fits because of the closet and that vent. At least it's comfy and cozy. Marilyn on the wall in the square frame.
My pillows, my bears(Val is the whiteish one, I've had him the longest, I've been sleeping with him for YEARS. Declan is the brown one, I made him at Build a Bear last year. Crazy fun. Kind of serving as my headboard is my Breakfast at Tiffany's picture. A friend of my mom's found it a couple of years ago but I haven't had anywhere to hang it till now. The hook in the corner is where the other light is going to go when I stop being lazy....
Opposite wall, I've got a thing for Classic Hollywood if you hadn't noticed...I want to get another one of those picture frame collage dealies and put them up here with these guys.
I think I would not hate my closet so much if I hadn't just moved out of an apartment with one three times the width...The shelving is terrible. I want to rip them out, throw in a pole and the rest of the dressers that go with the one on the right. It just looks so messy. At least it's tall?
This is the end, back to the door. The giant mirror was there when we moved in. There's not really a better place to put it. I had to put the light up because the main light just didn't reach over here. Also you know...me and my camera!
For colors I'm thinking a green that something like the tone in the big bright pillows on my bed. I've been toying with the idea of painting one wall a different color but I'm afraid it'll make the room look smaller than it already is.