(no subject)

Sep 20, 2010 12:49

Hi, I’m Steff, I’m 19 and I live in North London. Long time lurker, first time poster etc. I’m in my second year of uni so I thought I’d post the house I live in at the moment and some photos of my room at halls last year (it wasn’t post-worthy on it’s own.)

(I haven't posted on lj in forever, so if my cut's messed up let me know.)

I'm not a huge fan of the blue throw, I wanted a purple theme but haven't been able to find a cheap enough purple throw. The blue one is leftover from Reading Festival this year so it'll stay like that til I can get to Primark.

My chest of drawers and desk - not that I use the desk, the chair is way too uncomfortable. A close up on the shelves so you can see my pitiful dvd collection. I ended up leaving most of my books at my mums because I have nowhere to put them :(


The view from the doorway, my noticeboard (we're not allowed to put stuff on the walls so I've had to make do with this and the wardrobe door) and inside my wardrobe, it's a total mess but I can't seem to make it look neat with all the shoes.

Now my ensuite, it’s tiny but I still can’t get over having my own bathroom after sharing with 8 people last year.

The rest of the house. This is what you see from the front door

then the living room and kitchen

and one of my favourite things about this house.

I love massive mirrors, excuse my pyjamas.

Now for a comparison - my room last year:

ty for looking :*

room: dorm, room: kitchen, room: bathroom, furniture: wood, bed: double or larger, colors: white, dorms, colors: pink, room: modern, white walls

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