Hello there! Long time lurker, first time poster.. Mostly because I haven't a proper updated camera. So, I apologize in advance for the more questionable photos. Five year old cameras tend to be inferior... As for me, I'm a Northern Albertan student living in my parents guest room downstairs. Thought I'd share this dwelling before I moved :)
Warning! It is image heavy.
We'll start with the four walls, in this order: North, South, East, West.
Still looking for a great comforter to don the bed.. I'm thinking Ikea but, every time I go there, I spend a full paycheck.
Anyways, So, let's start with the knick knacks on the East wall. There's a lot of books...
I collect a lot of travel books. Especially DK Eyewitness. And, some shots of what's inside those drawers:
Which is my old Gothic Lolita wear and DVDs.
I use this Bulletin Board for the gifts I'm given and travel information. Most drawings are from my best friend in Indonesia.
Other than her drawings, my favourite things are the NERD Scrabble magnets.
The South Wall and door...
Equally awful shots of my nightstand. It didn't want to be photographed...
The West Wall.
It's a bad photo, but the bookcase in the corner is abnormally thin to get a pretty shot. It's basically filled with comics.
I still don't know why I bought these.
Closer look...
I have a degree in Animation.. so, this is sort of the pride of my collection, having some of these art books.
My personal favourite is still the Art of Monster House. It's wicked lovely.
Onto the North Wall.
Guess which movie :)
99% of the books on this shelf are World War II ones, my favourite subject.
And the view from outside. My neighbours be coyotes.
And that's my room. Once I move out, I'm planning on putting it in an oceanic scene, something to match that ugly blue that was painted in there. I think it's awful, haha. But all in all, I quite enjoy it. It holds a lot of books, which is a plus.
And if you have any questions/suggestions, feel free to ask.
Thanks guys :)