(no subject)

Jun 22, 2009 17:08

Lola - 20 - Colorado

I love my bed. I found it for $99 on Craigslist and my boyfriend spray painted it white.

current purse - cat tower - vintage dresser - dog crate

On top of my dresser. That radio gets a lot more use than the TV. I <3 political talk radio LOL.

Urban Outfitters jewelery tree and some of my favorite perfumes.

More jewelery and perfumes and lotions. Oh and my Furminator haha.

Half of the shelf above my dresser. Juicy jewelery boxes. Most of those held charms.

Other half of my shelf. I'd really love to paint my walls Tiffany Blue but my boyfriend said that he was only going to paint one room in the apartment and I opted for a pink office.

Dog crate. I'd like to get a proper cover for it. As of now we're just using my old dorm comforter and I think Steve would prefer it to be in a more manly color. (And I don't know why my carpet looks so weird/gross. I just steam cleaned it yesterday and it doesn't look so... discolored IRL.)

Bed and Steve. He's such a ham!

Boyfriend's side of the bed. Star light with dead bulb and defunct air purifier. Nothing interesting.

Kicking kitties coat rack.

My side of the bed.

Video games, misc. stuff and The Duchess! She's burrowed under her hidey hut right now.

Foreground: cell, psp, moleskine planner, current reads, candle

Background: lotion, meds, blood pressure cuff (I've been hella sick lately. EFFEXOR WITHDRAWALS FTW. Not.)

I love floating book shelves but I need more so it doesn't look so random.

Steve and my laptop. Yes my laptop, phone, psp, and ds all have matching skins haha.

He is insane but I feel bad for him because he'd rather be out at the lake water fetching but I'm too sick to go anywhere. :[

My mom got that for me. She used to say it to me every night when I was little awww.

Some of my tote bags.

Boyfriend's side of the closet and bathroom (a.k.a. the place I've been spending this entire past week.) I loathe those mirrored sliding doors because they get so dirty and constantly come out of their tracks. My side also has them. I feel like I have to go through a fun house to get to my bathroom.

Looking hella freaked out is what Greycat does best.

She's enjoying the porch even though it's 90 degrees outside.

Her sister Floof also enjoying the outdoors.

Such a beautiful day! And Steve loves to sneak out and lick those grill utensils, haha.

This is what follows me everywhere. Dog + toy.

Thanks for visiting!

vintage, bed: double or larger, purses, books, urban outfitters, jewelry, apartments

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