Looking to see what's out there on the intarwebs for actually published Wiccan theology, I came across a website offering, "Wicca: A Biblical Critique". There ensued the following conversation at the House of Cats:
ouranophobe: ... you know, I'm just going to not read this. It'll only irritate me.
nyterose: That's fine. I mean, that'd be like me trying to offer a critique of whatever fundamentalist sect she's a part of.
ouranophobe: He, actually. "Michael Gleghorn".
nyterose ... what? Dude, who cares what Foghorn Leghorn has to say. (Tennessee accent:) "I say, Charismatics, son! (whispered aside) Cute kid, but a little short in the brains department..."
Edited to add:
So, I went ahead and read the first couple of paragraphs. Because, y'know, train wreck, right?
ouranophobe, reading aloud: "It's important to point out that the Goddess and God are merely personifications of this ultimate source of all things. The Source itself is both "unknowable" and "incomprehensible."{4} It is perhaps for this reason that some "Neo-Wiccans" have simply abandoned such personifications altogether, choosing rather to view the gods as simply "detached metaphysical concepts.""
nyterose (interrupting): Wait, wait. "Neo-Wiccans"? As opposed to what? Old Wiccans? What, like Pete? This guy's not allowed to talk any more.
ouranophobe: No, wait... it gets better. "But for those who embrace such personifications, the Goddess has often been associated with the moon (and has thus sometimes been called the Queen of Heaven).{6} She is also known in three aspects, corresponding to the three stages of a woman's life: Maiden, Mother, and Crone.{7} She was alleged to have reigned "with a male consort called The Horned One who was a nature god and was also associated with the sun."{8} Interestingly, this god was not only viewed as the consort of the Goddess, he was also her son as well. Each year he was born of the Goddess, became her lover, and died--only to be reborn once more the following year from his own seed!"
ouranophobe: ... I mean, this he has a problem with? This? From someone who believes that the physical manifestation of God on Earth was baptised, spoke to Himself as a voice out of Heaven, then landed on His own head in the form of a dove?