It's me again! I was just made aware of these tweets on
ouran_tbs by
kipani_mariko So I dropped everything to translate them. LOL
最終回は僕が奏でます!by もり
In the final episode I perform on the harp! by Mori
いよいよ最終回 ホスト部の一員になれて、本当によかった!みてくれなきゃ、めっ!だからねっ! ハニーより
At last the final episode I'm so glad to have become a member of the Host Club! You must watch it! Okay! From Honey
いよいよ、最終回!寂しいけどまだまだ続くから by馨
We've come to the final episode! I feel sad but it will continue by Kaoru
いよいよ桜蘭高校ホスト部最終回デス! ホスト部の熱い絆みとどけて下さい!! 常陸院光
It's finally the last episode of Ouran High School Host Club! Please make sure to watch the strong bond the host club has with each other!! Hitachiin Hikaru
さぁさぁ最後の最後マデ夢の時間に酔ってくださいませませ 鏡夜
Well well please please drink in the (Ouran) dream until the very last Kyoya
アッ! 今日は0:45からの放送だから間違えないよーにね! 常陸院光
Oh yeah! Today's airing starts from 0:45 so don't make a mistake! Hitachiin Hikaru
僕は桜蘭を愛してます!一人でも多くの人に見てもらいたいです。この気持ちゃんと映画に持っていきます。姫達愛してるよ 環
I love Ouran! I want many people to watch it. I will bring this feeling into the movie! I love you my princesses Tamaki