Jan 02, 2006 14:06
I think today I want to rant about...President Bush's secret wiretap program. I don't understand why there is a need to sidestap the legal process and set up a secret (and I believe illegal) program. One government official said the program is meant to listen on in "very baby people talking to very bad people", but if these "people" are so "bad", why is it so difficult to go to the court and get a warrant? Weren't there special courts set up just for this purpose to expedite the process? Why does the President have to go about monitoring these people using his executive power and claiming it is to prevent another 9/11? If there is evidence these people are "bad" and involved with some sort of terrorist network, etc., surely the court would issue a warrant. Is there some other underlying motive for going about these wiretaps illegally? I'm very confused...