Apologies for the delay, I'm really getting into Hell's Kitchen. Very close race, first and second were separated by only one point while second and third by two points. Thank you to all who participated and a special congratulations to our winners!
First Place
cynicalsnark Second Place
sennyo_megami Third Place
likescarecrows Most Creative
sennyo_megami Mod's Choice
bella_iconz The text you used went along perfectly with that image. Simple and clean. ^^
This week's banner maker is
Given that we have only the bare minimum amount of bannermakers, I'd like to reduce as much work for them as possible. So, if you would like a banner, please leave a comment in this post specifically stating so. Also, I'd really like a few more bannermakers to share the load, if you are interested, please
leave a comment here with a few examples. Don't forget to submit for Week 8: Dictionary Abuse! Time to show off just how intelligent Kyouya is or just how unintelligent Tamaki can be. ;P