Crossover Challenge

Aug 16, 2006 14:25

This is what I have for the challenge. If you see any problems with it let me know otherwise it will go live on Friday.

About the OuranCross Fanwork Challenge
Goal to increase the amount of Ouran Crossover fanwork there is out there.
1)Write a story or create a fanwork
2)Write a story or create a fanwork for another’s entry i.e. if they wrote a story you’ll make a fanwork for that story and if you’ve entered a fanwork, someone will write a story for that fanwork.

Claims due by Sept 1, 2006
Find out about Responses by Sept 16, 2006
Entries due by Oct 1, 2006
Responses due by Nov 1, 2006

1)Enter a claim for a crossover fandom and a scenario or character(s) here-> and say if it’s a fanfic or a fanart/icon.
2)No more than 2 claims per person.
3)When you enter you claim also tell us what type of response would you be willing to do and for what series. This way I can match you up to series you’re interested in.
4)Claims are due by Sept 1, 2006
5)You’ll find out who’s claim and what it is by Sept 16, 2006
6)You can post your entry at anytime to OuranCross.
7)Entries due in by Oct 1, 2006
8)Your response is due in by Nov. 16, 2006
9)Only post your fanwork to OuranCross until Dec. 1, 2006. After that date you may post it anywhere you want.

If you're still interested go here to post your claim
Claims Post!


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