Can you see Haruhi with Tamaki 24/7?

Jan 29, 2007 21:46

::The Basics::
1.Name: Victoria
2.Nickname(s): Tori, Witch, Demon
4.Age: 17
5.Gender: Female

6.Likes: Ancient civilizations, rain, anime, acting, sarcasm, fantasy, magick, philosophy, psychology, writing, mythology, vampires, the Internet
7.Dislikes: Ignorance, stupidity, not having control, stereotypes, homophobes
8.Fears: Heights, small spaces, wasps, crowds, physical contact ( other than from close friends or family)
9.Goals/Dreams: To become a psychologist. To travel the world. To meet and surpass my own limits (for example, my fear of heights is so severe I get dizzy on escalators. Therefore, I plan to someday go bungee jumping).
10.Talents: Magick. I'm Wiccan. I also communicate with ghosts. On a more mundane level, I act, sing, write, I'm a decent martial artist, I win awards for my math skills, and I'm rather adept at psychoanalysis. I'm good at gathering information. Also, I'm good at hiding my thoughts/feelings. No one ever knows what's going on in my head. And I'm apparently a good listener.
11.Hobbies: Acting, writing, reading, singing, magick, psychology, kung fu, making icons, joining stamping communities
12.Strengths: Determined, loyal, intelligent, strong, creative, caring, intuitive, devoted to those I care about, a good listener
13.Weaknesses: Moody, short-tempered, a tendency to use/step on people, perfectionist, anxious, procrastinator, I zone out a lot, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, I don't trust easily, I push people away, I tend to appear cold-hearted to strangers, manipulative, sadistic, suspicious, destruction impulse

14.Your personality in three to six words: Loyal, anxious, cynical, manipulative, intelligent

15.Color: Purple, indigo, crimson
16.Animal: Tigers and snakes
17.Food: It's always changing. At the moment, pasta alfredo and peach custard tarts.
18.Quote: "It is better to live on your feet than to die on your knees" This basically describes my philosophy in life. I'm not overly rebellious and if I don't really care about a matter I'm willing to follow. But I will die before I allow myself to be controlled.
19.Host Club Member and why: Oi, I can never decide, I love them all. I think Mori is slightly ahead for his touching loyalty to Huni.
20.Non-Host Club Character and Why: Nekozawa. His gothic nature amuses me, and I admit I was touched by what he went through for Kirimi. I have a soft spot for siblings.

::Least Favorite::
21.Color: Orange, pink
22.Animal: Fish. Tasty, but hopelessly boring and usually ugly while alive.
23.Food: Beans
24.Host Club Member and why: I like them all, but if I have to choose one I like less I'll say Tamaki. He's such a spaz, I don't think I could handle being around him as often as the other characters are.
25.Non-Host Club Character and Why: Renge. Her laugh in the anime drives me insane, and her personality gets on my nerves.

::Are you::
26.Mature or Immature: Mature unless around people I trust completely.
27.a Leader or Follower: Leader if necessary or follower if I don't care what happens, but mostly a loner.
28.Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimist I suppose, but from my perspective I'm just being realistic.
29.Outgoing or Shy: I vary between the two, depending on how comfortable I am and who's with me.

::Do you prefer::::
27.Night or Day: Night. I find it peaceful.
28.Winter, Fall, Spring or Summer: Autumn. I would say winter because I love the cold, but I always get sick from November to February.
29.Hanging out with alot of people or just a few: Just a few. I can't stand being surrounded by people.
30.Spending some time with family once in a while or not: I'm blessed with a great family, and I need to be with them sometimes, especially my younger sisters.
31.Having fun or doing something somewhere quiet: These things aren't necessarily opposed. 'Doing something quiet' is fun, for me.

32.Include a picture or describe yourself: I don't have a picture... I'm short and very pale, but with a few freckles. My hair is dark brown (almost black) and a bit wavy, and falls to my shoulders. I have blue-grey eyes and glasses. I have a tendency to stare at people without blinking or moving, and I don't even realize I'm doing it. I'm told I look quite innocent but rather creepy, and no one can ever tell how I feel.

33.Anything else: It's very hard for me to get close to people, but if you can earn my friendship it's yours for life. One of my defining traits is probably my loyalty. I would gladly kill to defend my friends and family. On the other hand, I couldn't care less about strangers. I actually rather enjoy seeing them suffer. Among my friends, I take on the double role of protector and therapist; whenever they need to talk I'm the one they come to. At school, I'm known as the weird scary chick who does free tarot card readings at lunch.

stamped, nekozawa

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