~The Basics~
Name: Debbie
Nickname(s): Debs
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? No ^^
Likes: Anime and manga, funny things (like four-panel manga, manga omake, jokes etc), rings
Dislikes: Noisy people and people who can't do anything (idiots), computer problems, people who try to be too friendly it becomes annoying, pink and green
Fears: Spiders, insects and caterpillars, deaths of my loved ones
Goals/Dreams: Living my life from pressure (mainly from my mum) and become a mangaka (already practising)
Talents: Drawing manga
Hobbies: Drawing and listening to music, reading manga
Strengths: Can be funny, happy, always someone you can talk to, understanding, artistic
Weaknesses: Impatience, low stamina, lack of will-power, might have a bad taste in things (anything)
Shy or Outgoing: Shy
Calm or Energetic: Energetic
Controlled or Impulsive: A mix of both I guess
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Optimistic
Decisive or Indecisive: Decisive
Mature or Immature: Both
Messy or Clean: Depends
Leader Or Follower: Leader
Night or Day Person: Night person!
Indoors or Outdoors: Depends
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: Friendly Shy Fun Impatient Hyper
~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite - Black
Least Favorite - Green
Favorite - Sushi
Least Favorite - Mushy stuff
Favorite - Cats and Crows
Least Favorite - Sloth >_<
Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite - The Hitachiin brothers, they’re so funny
Least Favorite (meaning not necessarily the hated one, just the one you least favor or the one you would least like in real life) - Hmph… do I have to choose? I don’t have one!!!!
Non-Host Club Member And Why (meaning those that aren't actual members of the host club.):
Favorite - Nekozawa, he’s so dark and funny XD
Least Favorite - Renge, a bit annoying sometimes
Favorite Quote(s):
‘EHHHHHH?!’ lol
How would you describe yourself? Friendly, weird, random, fun, ‘too tall’, artist
How do people usually describe you? Once again, weird, random, fun, ‘too tall’, artist
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? I’d like to change the way how older kids have to be kind to little kids, so annoying, they take advantage of this
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? -////- Not be so ‘big-boned’
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt (of ¥8,000,000) was paid off? ‘GAH!’ I’d say, ‘What am I supposed to do?! I don’t wanna be a dog! But dogs are cute… wait! I’m not cute! Or am I…? Oh gee shivers that vase, stupid vase! Why did it have to sit on that bench?!’ *panic, running around the room, being as random as I could be* XD
~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself: Um... black shoulder-length hair with a left side fringe and black eyes :D
Anything Else: (anything at all? maybe you have more to tell us more about yourself that you don't thing you covered well enough?) Nothing in particular... I do like to look at cemeteries when I drive past them and was excited about going to one on a field trip
The 3 apps you voted on: (please edit in a 3 full links if there wasn't a full 3 when you first submitted your application here to vote on. Note that you will not be stamped till 3 apps are linked below.)
http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/250341.html?view=2214629#t2214629 http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/249689.html?view=2214745#t2214745 http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/249583.html?view=2215151#t2215151