Can you see Haruhi with Tamaki 24/7?

Jul 15, 2008 16:36

~The Basics~
Name: Madison
Nickname(s): Maddie
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? None whatsoever. :3
Likes: Anime, manga, shoujo, shonen, mushy fluffy shit, love/hate relationships, love/love relationships, tension, music, sad songs, slow songs, love songs,  adorable people, angsty people, emo people, complicated plot twists, 'omg' moments, 'oh no he didn't' moments, the ocean, the beach, seahorses, puppies, old disney movies, shy people, sleeping, the moment you wake up and you can feel the sun on your face, dancing(badly), singing(badly), being hyper, talking on the phone, IMing, e-mailing, reading letters, breezes, spring, summer, autumn, winter, musicals, pretty colors(purple, pink, blue). 
Dislikes: People who are too outgoing, people who challenge my view of things(I kind of really hate change =/), people who try to get me to come out of my shell, being out of my comfort zone, people who don't shut up(jeez, I sound like I hate people. I really don't.) Self-righteousness, being overemotional, making a mountain out of a molehill.
Fears: Being left behind, being stabbed in the back, being alone, heights, needles, thunderstorms, fireworks(loud noises in general).
Goals/Dreams: I want to be a psychiatrist. I want to have adopt twins. I want to get married before I'm thirty. I want to travel and live in NYC for at least two years.
Talents: I can write fairly well, I can draw fairly well, I'm not horrible at piano, and I can make weird shapes with my tongue. I'm good at academics, but that's not as important s my odd tongue shapes, of course. xDD
Hobbies: Anime, manga, writing, reading, drawing, sleeping.
Strengths: When you need me, I'll be there for you. I try not to be a bitch most of the time. People tell me I'm adorable(I don't exactly agree=/). Ihave a killer sense of humor.
Weaknesses: I don't let people know what I really think of them. For example, I could hate you and be really nice to you. Why is this a flaw? It's like lying, and the only reason I don't tell them is because I'm afraid I'll be alone. I'm afraid to say what I want because I think people will look down on me. I sometimes think I'm better then other people and sometimes think I'm pond scum. I get emotional about small things, and I tend to overdramatize everything. Sometimes I hate myself. Sometimes I love myself. I have mood swings. I can be happy one minute, pissy the next. I'm way too quiet. I'm apathetic, and somtimes I think things don't matter at all. But then again, the next second I'm pissed off because someone forgot to call me back. There's more mood swings for you. I'm paranoid, and I think everybody kind of hates me. I give myself too much credit. I set my standards too high and get disappointed when everything I want doesn't happen. I can be lazy and procrastinate.
Shy or Outgoing: Shy. Definitely shy.
Calm or Energetic: Energetic around friends, calmer on my own.
Controlled or Impulsive: Depends what mood I'm in.
Pessimistic or Optimistic: I'd like to think realistic, but there are times when I'm pessimistic and times when I'm optimistic.
Decisive or Indecisive: Indecisive.
Mature or Immature: Immature.
Messy or Clean: Messy. I is too lazy to clean D:
Leader Or Follower: Follower, because I'm scared of making the wrong decision and disappointing everybody.
Night or Day Person: Definitely a day person.
Indoors or Outdoors: Indoors.
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: Hateful, sarcastic, angry, tired, bitchy.
~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite- Dark Blue. It's pretty and enchanting.
Least Favorite - Orange. too bright, too bright! D:
Favorite- Spaghetti
Least Favorite - Waffles
Favorite- Seahorse. |D Props to anybody who knows why.
Least Favorite - Dog... Kind of a hint to people trying to figure out the seahorse thing. xD
Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- Tamaki. Despite being smoking hot, he's hilarious, adorable, kind, caring, and sweet. Who cares if he can overreact? Ilh. Honey is my second favorite. So kawaii :3
Least Favorite - Hikaru... Before anyone asks, not because he's gay. xDD He's really immature, and a jerk.
Non-Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- Nekozawa-senpai... He just kind of rocks out loud. xD
Least Favorite - Ecliar.... bitch?
Favorite Quote(s): None of them really make sense... they're just me being fixated with random animes. xDD;;
How would you describe yourself? Not a very good person?
How do people usually describe you? Shy and innocent, but I don't really open up to people who are close to me, so it's not that accurate.
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? Mmmm... Make everybody nice and make them all get along and make it so nobody ever dies?
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Probably my personality...
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt (of ¥8,000,000) was paid off? I probably wouldn't mind too much. It' s something to alleviate boredom, so why the hell not?
~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself: I have medium length brown hair which is curly, I'm really short and moderately overweight, I have red and blue braces, and purple glasses.
Anything Else: Um... I'm also kind of a dork and obsess over random things that nobody else really finds interesting.
The 3 apps you voted on:

stamped, nekozawa

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