The Three People You Voted On:
1. And your character stamping link: haven't gotten stamped as anything yet... I'll update this when I am. I think it's gonna be Mori-sempai if you ask me...
~The Basics~
Name: Lupin Drake
Nickname(s): Koki (used rarely)
Likes: Reading and writing, drawing, HTML, anything related to computers, laughing, helping others, warm weather, rainy days, running errands, tedious tasks like secretarial work, cleaning, spending time with friends
Dislikes: Disorganization, being wrong, unfinished business, letting others down, letting myself down, not accomplishing something, being late, rude people, liars, thieves, abusers, weather over 85 degrees F (29.4 degrees C)
Strong Points: Doesn't panic easily, incredibly loyal to friends and family, will do things others wouldn't do or want to do, stubborn/persistent, intelligent, creative, forgiving, down-to-earth/realistic, honest
Weak Points: Gullible, worries a lot, prone to sticking my foot in my mouth, feels guilty too easily, has a tendency to hide feelings too much/often, sometimes gets angry too easily, tends to run away from conflicts
Pet Peeves: Disorganization, liars, thieves, inconsiderate or rude people
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Snake
In your own words, describe what a family is to you: A family most certainly is not a bunch of people related by blood: it is all of the people whom you are close to, love, can depend on, make you feel safe and loves you back.
What do and don't you like about family? I like how I can depend on them for the most part and how they have defended me when I needed it the most, but I dislike how they seem to shove me in the background from time to time and how they don't listen to me all the time either.
How close can you say you are to your real family? Decently close, but we need to work on some issues that they aren't willing to acknowledge or do something about at least.
How close would you like to be with your real family? Close enough that I could trust them a lot more than I do.
What kind of family would you like to belong to? One that, at the end of a day filled with fights, insanity and more, can come together and say "No matter what, we're here for you." But specifically, I would love one that is a mixed up group of people - kind of like the Host Club. No one is really related, but they have strong bonds all the same.
What kind of family would drive you crazy? One that is cold, distant and unsympathetic towards others.
What things do you expect from family? Support and love at the very least.
What things do you think family could expect of you? Love, support, loyalty and a desire to help them with anything no matter what.
Using rich and traditional families as an example:
a) How would you react/feel if you were the last daughter/son in a family who didn't expect you to do as well as your older siblings but expected you to keep up with the families public image? I would not obey the public image at all because I believe that everyone should rise to whatever potential that they can and to stifle it based upon birth order is insane. I would totally go to surpass my older siblings in some way no matter what others said or did about it.
b) How would you react/feel if you were the only son/daughter that was pressured to one day take over the family? I would accept it, as they are my family after all. Hopefully, it will not be too much of a burden on me and it wouldn't hinder my happiness; the moment that it did however, I would tell them so and then go off and find someone/thing/place that would make me happy, but secretly continue to take care of them because I am a masochistic like that.
c) If you were a illegitimate child, how would you react/feel if you were disliked by another family member? I would feel a bit ashamed due to this, but hopefully, I would get over it and move on with my life, and if the other person continued to dislike me, I would not judge them for that. But if it were more than one person in my family, I would feel immensely guilty even if it was not logical and I would do all in my power to prove to them that I am not what they think I am.