~The Basics~
Name: Nerrin
Nickname(s): Nerrin IS a nickname of sorts. Internet alias.
Age: 14.
Gender: Female.
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? No. Preferrably male, however.
Likes: Noodles. The internet. Manga. Anime. Writing. Doodling. Fanfiction. Singing. Going on crack. Fangirling.
Too many to list. I shall highlight key ones.
- Homophobes.
- Crowds. Large crowds.
- Homogenous people. Generic people. I hate people who are so ‘normal’.
- Teens who whore themselves out to be at the top of the social ladder/bimbos and himbos
- Assholes who are so narrow-minded, they can’t take another’s point of view or opinions.
- The human population in general.
- People who think they know shit, but really, they don’t.
- Bossy, annoying brats. My life is my own and I do what I want. You don’t EVER make decisions for me, because I’ll make them MYSELF.
- Things getting in my way.
- Religious idiots - the kind that puts God above their own way of life and are oh-so-preachy on how ‘Our Lord will save mankind, you heathens ~ Turn to Him or burn in HELL!’ Seriously. I respect religious people, but GET OFF MY CASE (and out of my face).
Fears: Big crowds. Surprising how humankind is more terrifying to a degree than ghosts or animals.
Goals/Dreams: To get somewhere, I suppose. I’ve always wanted to be in a band for some reason. FUN TO THE EXTREME.
Talents: Writing. Singing. Doodling. Dreaming.
Hobbies: The above + surfing the Net.
Strengths: I don’t know. I’m resourceful, I guess. I can write, sing, and draw, according to some - but I don’t think so.
Weaknesses: I’m selfish, and a hypocrite. I’m biased, and would LOVE to see those I hate suffer. Maybe I’m self-centered, and an overall asshole. I’m also apathetic to many things around me.
Shy or Outgoing: Mostly shy, I think. I THINK.
Calm or Energetic: Calm. Energetic only under specified circumstances.
Controlled or Impulsive: Controlled. Impulsive only under VERY FEW situations, so mostly controlled.
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Realist. Pessimistic will do.
Decisive or Indecisive: Decisive. I have things clearly sorted out in my head, but indecisive when it comes to letting things I love go, I suppose. It’s like choosing character death.
Mature or Immature: Mature.
Messy or Clean: Bit of both.
Leader Or Follower: Leader. Can be a follower only if I’m lazy.
Night or Day Person: Night. Definitely.
Indoors or Outdoors: Indoors.
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: Asshole. Apathetic. Dreamer. Flawed. Introspective. Human.
~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite- Black. Dark blue. Dark purple.
Least Favorite - Pink. DO NOT WANT.
Favorite- Spaghetti. Or fried rice.
Least Favorite - Salmon. Meat. Fish.
Favorite- Scorpions/snakes/sharks.
Least Favorite - Everything else. Excluding kangaroos, tigers, and anything from the cat family.
Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- Kyoya, I guess. I don’t REALLY have a particular favourite.
Least Favorite - Haruhi or Hunny. I’m not going to say why.
Non-Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- None.
Least Favorite - Every one of them. Okay, okay, maybe not. But no preferences.
Favorite Quote(s): “Because I can.” - Me.
How would you describe yourself? Cold, distant, apathetic and secretive, I should think. Determined, strong-willed,a nd not easily scared. I have very strong opinions.
How do people usually describe you? Don’t know, don’t care.
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? The fact that it’s so fucking screwed up in the head.
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? The fact that I’m not pretty and fat, I should think. Personality’s mine, so I’m keeping it.
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt (of ¥8,000,000) was paid off? “FUCK.” Then I’d go along with acting as a Host for the flaming kicks.
~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself:
The one on the far right, orz. AM NOT PRETTY KTHX, spare me. D: Apologies for any damage done to your eyes.
Anything Else: Although I’ve pretty much described myself like an asshole, in actual fact, I’m no friendly butterfly, but I’m fairly polite. I don’t kick people in hallways, nor do I slay kitties. I actually enjoy fangirling and having fun moments, and laughing.
The 3 apps you voted on:
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http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/214293.html#cutid12 -
http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/214062.html#cutid13 -