Which host would you be best with for a designation?
The Three People You Voted On:
ONE 2.
TWO 3.
THREE and your original character stamping link:
MORI! ₪₪₪
~Basic Info~
- Name: Selene
- Likes: Chocolate, my friends, reading, books, music, manga, my dog, summer, playing the violin, shopping, video games, dancing, musical, love
- Dislikes: School, horror movies, rude people, school, discrimination, spiders, liars, bugs, seafood, fighting
- Strong Points: I can be very creative
- Weak Points: I am very stubborn at times
~Are You~
- Messy or Clean: Clean
- Friendly or Abrasive: Friendly!
- Talkative or Silent: Talkative
- Dependent or Independent: Totally indipendent
- Mature or Immature: Somewhere in the middle
- Outgoing or Shy: I’m shy when I first meet people but totally outgoing with my friends
- Optimistic or Pessimistic: I am actually very optimistic
~Is he/she~
- Rich or Poor: Rich
- Weak or Strong: Strong
- Friendly or Abrasive: Friendly
- Talkative or Silent: Again.. somewhere in the middle
- Decisive or Indecisive: Decisive
- Impulsive or Controlled: Controlled
- Dark or Light Hearted: Light hearted
- Mature or Immature: A bit of both
- Rash or Calculating: Rash
~Moe Moe Questions~ (please answer the questions below with as much detail as you can.)
What would you want your "dream" host to look like? Taller than me with pretty eyes
What would you want him/her to act like? I'd like him to have something in common with me, I would want him to be friendly and trustworth and I like confident people
Now! What would you want and not want your "dream" host say to you? Anything simple and romantic
If you could give your "dream" host a type, what host type would he/she be? Silent type?
If you could go anywhere with him/her, where would you want to go? somewhere romantic, like Paris