Week 2: Submission

Jul 07, 2010 12:05

Welcome to Ouran Host Club LIMS!

This is week 2 and your theme will be Provided Image.

Of course there are rules to follow that:
1. You may only use official anime/manga Ouran pictures.
2. Only submit one icon.
3. Icons must meet the lj reqs. (100x100, 40kb, etc.)
4. Comment if you are dropping out for that week.
5. If you are going to drop out, just comment anywhere.
6. No recycling icons.
7. You can't submit, if you were eliminated or dropped out.
8. Do NOT enter the same icon in multiple icontests.

Submit like this:


Please have all icons in by July 16, 2010 at 9PMPST. HAVE FUN!

round 13 week 02: provided image

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