Hi! *waves* I'm Insidiae, call me Diae or Audrey or Hey you! ...Or nothing at all, I mean, I don't mean to impose or anything >_>
Um, sorry. Well, in any case, I've been lurking here for a while, but now that I've finallyt written Ouranfic, I'm deciding to post. Um, yay?
TItle: Family Skeleton
insidiaeRating: PG
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Comments 13
The crack was excellent. And funny. But you don't need to hear it from me.
The Host Club, Kyouya thinks, is one big, happy, incestuous family. And he is proud to be their mother.
These two comments are priceless and perfect for this story. Absolutely hilarious XD
Thanks for the comment~
I write summaries and then think of a story to go with it after XD.
Thank you~
The order in which they came out, everyone's reactions, it was all so perfect. Especially Tamaki saying that all his children were growing up and leaving them behind (Even IF the older couple are the "neighbours").
As for the incestuous thing, if my facts are correct, only the twins really pose a high risk of... birth problems. Especially if Honey and Mori are second cousins/first cousins once removed (which I tend to believe). The whole homosexuality thing...... yeah, they'll probably have problems with that.... ^^;;;;
But yes. That was quite awesome. Go Mommy and his dysfunctional family!
(And yes, I reread the second book today and realized that Hunny and Mori were probably distant enough to not cause those problems, but mpreg is enough to squick me. Seriously, who thought of that? It's called adopting, gaiz. Also, that they're naighbors - DETAILS, WHO NEEDS THEM?).
Anyway~ Thank you so muxh for commenting.
There's a distinct possibility I'm going to run around the Internet quoting this at everybody I see. xD Great job.
Actually, that's my favorite line from the story. I thought I was the coolest thing since sliced bread when I wrote it. I thought I was so witty. Clearly, as if this story doesn't demonstrate it enough, my sense of humor leaves lots to be desired >_>.
Please do! If I ever find one of my lines somewhere other than the story it came from, my heart and head with undoubtedly fill with glee and hot air, respectively.
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