Author: fivemisosoup (aka Dina)
Title: Haruhi and Her Hosts
Rating: Anywhere between PG-13 and NC-17
Pairings: HaruhiKyouya, HaruhiTamaki, HaruhiKaoru, HaruhiHikaru, HikaruKaoru, HaruhiHoney, HaruhiMori (in no particular order)
Summary/Author notes: This is my first posted fic in Livejournal, and my first Ouran fic, so please be gentle! This is only the first chapter and I'm going to tell you right now the entire story seems very cliche and obvious to me, but I never found this idea online so I did it myself.
Haruhi starts to notice her fellow clubmates, and one by one they each show her a good time.
Fake-cut to my journal!