Aug 12, 2006 13:01
this has been one hell of a week, or month for that matter. anyways so i went out to buy my 572685762897 books i need to get (<3 aury for telling me which ones) and only 1 is in stock. hurray. on the upside it was lies my bitch told me, the piece of shit i need to do work from. so i set aside some time to do the work, and then i realize...the assignment paper is nowhere to be found. marvelous, i'm off to a great start. i remember its SOME sort of journal-esque thing. help? ._.
-edit- john told me...i'm starting to wish i hadn't found out now. fuck, as i told him: every fucking chapter is the same "oh this is intresting" for the first 2 pages, and then i want to shoot myself until the chapter is over. now i have to go back and pick at the remains of my sanity which i left in the pages of that book while trying to figure out why the fuck redudancy made this author's wang twitch. it's times like this i just want to slap mrs. graham. she's smart enough to know that we'll wait till the last minute, and she's gonna torture us for it.
i also took at look at our math packet/book, i remember about 1/3 of it. strike two joey. i still havn't found out my IB scores, which i'm actually glad about since i don't need another thing on my mind now, i'm ready to burst as it is.
i have a way of timing of when i need to work exactly when i have something in the back of my mind that wont let me concentrate. un-fucking-believable. meh, i need 1 more day. come on tornado, hurricane, flood, do your worst. i don't think i'm drained enough yet.
btw, kat i JUST got your message you left me on my birthday, thats how fucked my phone is. so thanks ^_^ better late than never?