(no subject)

Mar 25, 2012 19:06

Fellow Jin Akanishi fans, please take a moment to read this.

It's not fair or even healthy to blame Jin for how his marriage was handled, because we don't know for sure what happened in reality.

This is not only for Jin, but for all the people who are part of that world. They might not voice it out, but that doesn't mean they agree with everything.
Sure, some others might maintain their polished and perfect idol image, but that doesn't mean they suffer any less. They just need to keep their jobs. And it's certainly not fair for them either.

Sure, some of you might even say this other A, B or C idol might never do what Jin just did. But does that make him/her a better person? or a worse, for that matter? No, it just makes them different.
Of course, the ones that never voice their problems out, makes them a better idol, and they don't have problems with their agencies.
But look at it on a human rights level. Some of them are so afraid to behave like their real persona and even have to disguise their -rather obvious- homosexuallity and never get to live happy with their partners of choice, because it could and WILL ruin their careers. Not to mention the ones that can legally get married with their hetero loved ones, but can't.
Here, it doesn't matter who they love, it's always 'wrong' for them to be happy and fight for their dreams.

And who really knows the truth in Jin's case? He might have told the old man he was gonna marry Meisa in the first place, and all of the stuff that happened later was just staged to make him look bad and discourage other idols to fight for their rights.
We'll never know, so it's also unfair to judge him for everything that has happened.

It breaks my heart to read fellow fans that fight everytime saying it's Jin's fault or the ones that believe it's unfair... We don't know the truth of this situation, and we might never will.
Also, we can't change the way showbiz in Japan is being handled.
But I ask you, if you are a Jin fan, just support him. That's the only power we have in our hands at his very moment.

japan showbiz, jin akanishi, meisa kuroki

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