Hi! New girl in town!!

Jan 18, 2010 00:50

Hi!!!:))) I'm Dis, a 28yrs girl from Greece and I was born in a male body. I gave lots of thought about transition and I decided it's not for me, at least not now, due to many reasons: no money, social dispproval and dysphoria, wanting to keep my natural reproductive capacity (I want to have a big big big family with lots of kids someday!), and it's also easier to find a romantic partner in my natural body rather than with an HRT/SRS-altered body: im a lesbian and I've found lesbians here to be transphobic or dislike transgender people so i dont dare find myself in a situation where i wont find a mate! well, to say the truth deep inside me im also very afraid of body changes etc, im even afraid of permanent hair removal (shaving is ok!)!!

so for now im a genderqueer. im also a feminist. i dont believe in societal expectations regarding gender. women can wear neckties, and men can wear skirts if they want to! women can be firefighters and men can cook food! disregarding gender roles is a political decision to allow everyone greater freedom, particularly for women and for women-trapped-in-male-bodies, but it's also a personal decision to allow me relieve the stress/dysphoria i feel for having been born in a body i dont relate very well with (hey im a virgin LOL).

im new to my gender issues. previously i was forcing myself to be male, but then i understood im a female and i fell into a crisis and i cried cried cried a lot (they say boys dont cry, but im not a boy!!!). my fake male personality i had built all these years served me well for surviving thru school etc (even though i had gender-"atypical" behaviour since child years, playing with dolls etc), but now i found my true inner nature: im a girl, with an androgynous personality, but essentially a girl!!

I've taken lots of online gender tests, they all confirm im a female. Not an androgyne, a female! Only once, in the beginning of my realization, the COGIATI test said im an androgyne (score 65), but then after a few months my score was 275 and more recently 165 (probable transsexual). My SAGE test score is 665 (MTF serious candidate for SRS surgery). Similarly the BBC test says i've got a female brain, and sometimes when I chat on-line using a gender-neutral name people believe i'm female (no, without me referring to feminism etc! just general chat!).

so what do i do now? i've been socialized as a male, so i never had the socialization genetic girls have, and i also never had a gf (but the closests friends i ever had were females) so im a female who doesnt really know much about how women actually live! I fix this by making more female friends, reading women's magazines, etc! so i try to raise my "female IQ" as much as I can and bring it up to that of a natal woman, all without making alterations to my body, just by "changing" my mind!:) I also letting my hair grow, and I'm into nail-polishing and all-body shaving (well most of it, cant reach in the back LOL!). I also plan to start training my voice so that I can produce more feminine patterns whenever I want! I'm not into full cross-dressing yet, but I do accessorize with women's bags etc. (yes, in public like shopping, walking down the street etc... as long as it's safe)

I believe changing one's appearance either with clothing, hormones, or surgery is a basic human right and must be respected, and I've great admiration for all people who've chosen the difficult path of medically transitioning. It's a good thing if you can learn to feel comfortable in your natural body, but if you really can withstand the pain, the societal disapproval, and the high cost then I applaud everyone who finally chooses to transition. It's just not for everyone and some people might need to spend some time as genderqueers/androgynous before embarking on life-changing decisions.
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