(no subject)

Jan 06, 2009 22:14

Things in my mind:
1) i hate everyone
2) i'm glad i only see the people that i see now.
3) i'm fucking tired of the shit on tv about the converter boxes. it's not that hard.
4) my dogs keep trying to steal my antibiotics and its pissing me off.
5) i can't yell at them because i can't talk.
6) my neck fucking kills.
7) i want to watch the rest of dexter but dana is in floria.
8) i cant fucking swallow.
9) i'm thinking of cutting someone out of my life.
10) its ruthy.
11) lol yeah right.
12) i dont know why i wrote that.
13) i went to the doctor yesterday and my blood pressure was really high and it was because i was taking too many cold pills.
14) so i made my dad buy me the ones that don't raise your blood pressure like the other kinds do.
15) fuck you!
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