[fic] Nutrisco et exstinguo

May 28, 2012 15:55

Title: Nutrisco et exstinguo
Status: Ongoing
Author: Zoffoli
Rating: T
Genres: Angst/Romance (slash), Hurt/Comfort, Character study - post-Reichenbach
Warnings: This story is a character study that starts a little before Reichenbach and follows Sherlock's and John's lives until their reunion three years later; anticipate spoilers for both seasons 1 and 2. Johnlock. Some chapters are M-rated although most are K+ or T, so please check the rating!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. The characters belong to Arthur Conan Doyle and in their BBC version to Stephan Moffat and Mark Gatiss.

Summary: "You haven't said what you wanted to say." Well yes, some things take you by surprise, and you're not quite prepared for them. Like when your best friend jumps off a building in front of you.

Table of contents

Chapter I


character- jim moriarty, category- romance, pairing- sherlock/john, character- sherlock holmes, character- mycroft holmes, category- angst, character- sebastian moran, character- mike stamford, character- mrs. turner, category- slash, character- mary morstan, fanworks- fic, character- harry watson, spoilers, character- john watson, character- molly hooper, character- mrs. hudson, category- casefic, character- irene adler, category- hurt/comfort

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