Rectifying Past Mistakes (1/?)

Apr 04, 2016 17:06

Title: Rectifying Past Mistakes (1/?)
Author: Ragna (scandalbaby)
Characters/Pairings: Eventual Sherlock Holmes/Mary Morstan; Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes & Anthea in this part
Rating: PG for now, but rating could change
Summary: When Mycroft gets Sherlock out of Serbia, he drops a bombshell on him he isn't quite prepared for: after years of being gone out of his life, Sherlock's ex-wife Elizabeth has reappeared, under the name Mary Morstan. While he was off taking care of Moriarty's mess she was protecting those he cared about and helping his brother, for reasons, he finds, that she is keeping close to the vest. But when they're forced to stay in close quarters at Baker Street both secrets and old wounds come to light and, perhaps, things might turn out for the best after all.
Authors Notes: This is an AU where Sherlock and Mary were married prior to the start of the series, so while series 1 and 2 happened more or less as they did in canon, everything from Sherlock's fall and on went differently. So no John/Mary, no Tom/Molly, no Sherlock/Janine...everything's going to be up in the air in terms of pairings with the exception of a Sherlock/Mary reconciliation, as that's what the person who prompted me wants. We'll see where the muse takes me.

Mods: Can I get a Sherlock/Mary tag?

category- romance, category- au, character- di gregory lestrade, pairing- sherlock/mary, character- sherlock holmes, character- mycroft holmes, character- 'anthea', category- drama, character- sebastian moran, character- mary morstan, rating- pg, fanworks- fic, category- friendship, category- het, character- john watson, character- molly hooper, character- mrs. hudson

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