Mar 06, 2014 10:47
Real life has been kicking my butt, so this post is long overdue.
So, the most amazing Killerweasel has turned ownership of this community to me, but she is still staying on as a co-mod. (And, I am beyond grateful to her for still doing the rec day and Dear Jim posts and helping me feel my way through this!)
We've also brought on three new co-mods (who are so saving me as my real life is eating me whole!). Scandalbaby, Wynterblackwell, and Kizzia have joined our staff and I am grateful for their help. So, if you need anything, give any of us a yell.
If there is anything you'd like to see on here, please let me know. So far we have our rec days and our Dear Jim request days. Scandalbaby has suggested that on Saturdays we take an article from the Holmes Newsletter and put it up for discussion here, so we're going to give that a run this weekend.
Thanks for all your support and great posts, guys. Keep them coming!
mod post