Title: A Broken Heart is Blind (Everybody Knows This)
Rating: NC 17
Spoilers: For the Empty Hearse, S03E01, and nothing else.
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Mary Morstan, John Watson
Warnings: Failed negotiations for a potential polyamory relationship. The potential remains, but this current negotiation failed. Nothing came of it. There’s a lot of angst in this one, and no clear resolution to what is clearly a complicated problem. I haven’t been able to write in a happy ending. No other warnings apply.
Relationships: John Watson/Mary Morstan, One-Sided Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Summary: Mary is not a genius, like Sherlock Holmes. Mary is an ordinary woman, if a little sharper than most. And as a woman who is in love with John Watson, she figures that she should probably talk to the only other person who is also in love with John Watson. There are difficult decisions to be made, and no easy solutions.
AN: This is set at some point before the whole bonfire scene, but after the reveal. When Mary goes to get Sherlock, he recognizes her voice and responds to her with more familiarity than I think would have come from their one meeting, in which she didn’t really speak to him. So, I propose that she’d been to 221B before, to speak to Sherlock Holmes, without John, because she is an intelligent woman and there are important things to be said.
Disclaimer: The title of this ep comes from a song called ‘Little Black Submarines’ by The Black Keys. I don’t own it, or the characters portrayed in the fiction below. I am in no way making any profit from this portrayal.
Fic @LJFic @AO3 P.S. Hello Mods! Could we please have a relationship: John/Mary/Sherlock tag please? Thank you! :D