Title: Beyond The Grave
kizzia with art from amindaya (which will be up when the fic is completely posted -
check out the rest of her awesome art in the meantime).
Rating: PG-13
Status: WIP - All written though. Posting a chapter a day (except Christmas Day) until it 's complete.
Characters/Relationships: Greg Lestrade, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Mrs Hudson, Mycroft Holmes, Molly Hooper, Sebastian Moran, Sally Donovan, Stanley Hopkins, WIggins, Raz, Anderson, Kitty Reilly, Sherlock/John, Molly/Lestrade.
Warnings, kinks and contents: Post Reichenbach reunion fic, Johnlock established relationship, BAMF John, BAMF Sherlock, blood, guns, violence, minor character death, case fic (sort of), mentions of sex.
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't claim, not making any profit.
Summary: Sherlock may have been gone for almost two years but he certainly hasn’t been forgotten...
Author's Note: This is my and amindaya's offering for the Sherlock Mini-Bang. It was only supposed to be 10k. It's now 30k. I have no idea what happened.
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