(no subject)

Oct 15, 2005 13:49


B- BIRTHDAY: July 15th, 1985

C- CURRENT CRUSH: Well, not over the Scott thing, but regardless I not be telling because I probably need time before anything else starts in that oh so romantic fashion. I'm loving the whole friends thing though, it rocks to see more than one person and get to know more than one person :-)

D- FAVORITE DRINK: Non alky = water usually, but always love the Stewart's orange cream soda, Alky = most good beer, and any mixed drink that is fruity and non alky tasting. I'm not really all that picky as long as it tastes yummy.

E- YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS: scrambled

F- FAVORITE FOOD: depends on what I'm in the mood for. I love carbs, though, so pasta is usually workable

G-WHO DO YOU GO TO FOR ADVICE: Lately whomever has been willing to listen. Since the ex's moods change so often, it affects me, so whomever happens to be around and willing to listen has gotten it.

H- CURRENT HATRED: being sick, and people I care about not respecting me at all

I- I THINK: that I need a day off

J- JOB: Well, I sells paint during the summer (yay Sherwin Williams!!!), but mostly just being an adorable music ed major who's trying to keep her sanity

K- ANY KIDS: not yet, but someday

L- LUST ABOUT: eh, Scott's still kind of there, but for the most part no one...unless you count Jason Smith...hehehe...(j/k)

M- FAVORITE MOVIE: Moulin Rouge (musicalish), The Notebook (romance/drama), Shawshank Redemption (drama and overall kickassness), Team America (hilarity)...they're too different to compare and pick just one

N- YOUR PHONE NUMBER: 216.926.9727 cell, 740.597.9803 dorm


P- FAVORITE PERFUME/COLOGNE: Hummer (guys), Very Sexy (both)

Q- A LITTLE QUIRK ABOUT YOURSELF: I arrange multicolored candies by color and eat them so that they are in equal numbers, aka skittles + m&ms

R- LAST ROAD TRIP: When I went to WV the weekend before school actually started

S- PLACE YOU FEEL SAFEST: it's still when I'm alone with that kid and he's being all cuddly and whatnot, but I should probably work on finding a new safe place :-\

T- FAVORITE TV SHOW: Law and Order SVU, Southpark, Gilmore Girls

U- COLOR OF YOUR UNDERWEAR: light blue/clouds


W- WISHFUL THINKING: undergrad in a total of 4 years + masters in 2 + doctorate in 1

X - XRAYS TAKEN THIS YEAR: none, but I get my wisdom teeth pulled on December 2nd...EEK!

Y- YOUR FAVORITE YEAR OF YOUR LIFE?: Um, well,  highschool was pretty much a bummer, or at least a roller coaster, the entire time despite great friends and experiences, then Capital was even worse, plus the mono thing...I would have to say last school year, my first year here, minus complicated Jamie stuff

Z- ZODIAC SIGN: cancer (they say we have great boobs ;-))

*cough cough*...yes I'm really coughing...argh. Worked at the ASTA bake sale for a while, now I'm back here resting until 430, thank goodness, but then I'm gone until midnight unless I still feel like shit, in which case I come back here and go sleepy for a long time. Catch you on the flip side..

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