Today’s fics in the
sshp_prophet are both from fic exchange gift things. After some thought, I'm not sure I really like the gift exchange format.
This has nothing to do with these fics, but as a general rule, they seem fraught with complications and disappointment. That isn't to say I don't adore the wankiness that bursts forth periodically when person A (who put their heart and soul into the fic they wrote for person B) discovers that B didn't really enjoy it because person C (with an axe to grind because some FB she received on her Presidents day X change that was really sub par and proves A & B are not Supportive Friends) sends A a screen cap of B ripping the fic to shreds behind a flock.
As a wanker: Wheehaw! Get the popcorn! But as a reader I feel that the stories suffer (and won't someone think of the stories?! They think of you ...and wonder why the hell you like ellipsis so bloody much). It seems like writers format these things far too often on a checklist; "the recipients kinks" that end up getting shoehorned into some innocent story that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I suppose the recipient is happy enough, I mean why not? They've had all their bells rung and whistles blown. But for the rest of us (and since these things are posted in communities I must assume they're intended for an audience larger than one. If not, email?) unless your laundry list matches, reading these is often worse than unsatisfying. Because you can see that poor little story struggling to get out, poking its head bravely forward, and it looks like such a good story... only to be swallowed up but an inexplicable felching scene.
...not that felching is EVER a bad thing.
Now reviews:
A Proper Holiday by
ravenna_c_tan (adult) Rec - cliché, PP/PA
My goodness, but Snape's potion stained fingers do seem to spend a lot of time swirling around, poking and stretching Harry. Is this because the main ingredients of his potions are black walnut hulls and henna? Or perhaps he just skips past any natural causes and submerges his hands in red dye no. 7 for hours on end. One would think that a man with that much experience could whip up a magical version of
But my real observation is that I've noticed a correlation between the likelihood that Snape's fingers shall be "potion stained" with their proximity to Harry's bum.
It seems to me there can really only be one logical explanation: Potter emits some sort of gaseous discharge that reacts to the trace ingredients on Snape's fingers. Writers of course would tend to be generous and allow Potter's little slip to pass unremarked upon. But can the rest of us allow this oversight? It seems like a cleverer person could even use this information to make educated guesses about what sort of potions Snape was brewing. What ingredients typically react to methane? And from there we see into Snape's day-to-day live, his brewing habits, the sort of ingredients he can afford, his finances, in short - through the stains we see the man.
This is at best only tangentially related to this story. Maybe.
Instead this story is a comedy of polyjuiced errors. There were flashes of Snape in the characters, but for the most part they were the authors own creations. Her strength is in her imagery: the red dress, pink confections. I think people who like sweetness in their Snape might find this their cuppa. It isn't really mine. There were several giant plotiphants in the room that the author seemed to ignore because they didn't fit into her story. Like that McGonagall is more concerned that Harry & Snape's relationship will create a shortage of dance partners than say, that Snape is buggering a student. Even one, we are helpfully informed, who is "far from a boy now, nineteen years old and a veteran of the war."
Um yeah. 19? Not that far. Particularly to 39 year old potions professors.
And I'll never understand why people in one breath describe Harry as a hardened war vet, will later describe him dissolving into tears at a harsh word from Snape. I can understand if he has PTSD from the war, but a person that sensitive wouldn't last 5 minutes with Snape. Much less survive a 'relationship' with him.
The Taming of the Shrew by
svartalfur (NC-17)
part 2 Rec + !
I really adored the first paragraph. It's fun, absurd, fabulous. So much so that I reread it, then put the fic away for a bit to play solitaire. The opening had so much promise that I didn't want to spoil it with a story that didn't measure up. Not that I needed to worry. I adored the entire story.
Snape is a nasty foul-mouthed old bugger who uses his sharp tongue to loose dirty talk on an ill prepared Potter. Really good dirty-talk. I really had no idea that Snape calling Potter a nasty slut was one of my kinks, but apparently it is. Or maybe this just hits my kink for a smart Snape. Or my kink for cleverly written smart-and-still-a-mean-old-bugger Snape. The dynamic between all of the characters works seamlessly: Snape, ever the teacher and Potter; hopeless and adrift after the war. This fic is a natural progression of their school-time relationship, and manages without softening either of them.
It's so lovely to read a Ron positive fic. This Ron is successful, confident attractive; without in anyway taking away from Harry. I think Ron highlighted one of the things I most enjoyed about this: there were no villains. No bitter Ginnys or betraying Hermiones or whatever the knot we tie those characters into. Instead we have a Ron who is loyal and loves Harry and manages to propel the plot is a way that follows the rules of the universe JK set up.
Finally, despite knowing where this was going - between the fact that it's fanfic, that it's Snarry, that it references The Taming of the Shrew OF COURSE we know what will happen - the author manages enough of a twist to provide the unexpected. Wholly satisfying. I will have to reread.