Monday Funnies or Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without proof

May 08, 2006 14:40

I skipped last week. This was because nothing funny happened and has nothing to do with my sluggish approach to work / paperwork and the hellish road trip I took last weekend. Also maybe a residual irritation that the election fraud yahell group has been invaded by a group of wingnut fundies who have decided they don't like the discussion taking place and have been adding Ann Coulter et al to the posts. This is one of those things that drives me nuts about liberals: we're so caught up in preserving everyone's right to be heard that we allow trolls to barge in and shout everyone else down. It's made the group unusable, this at a time when the news has become more and more alarming.

Anywaaaay THAT wasn't funny, so how about this page? There's a bunch of geeky fun here, including this:

Heavy Boots
We called about 30 people and asked each this question:
1. If you're standing on the Moon holding a pen, and you let go, will it a) float away, b) float where it is, or c) fall to the ground?
About 47 percent got this question correct. Of the ones who got it wrong, we asked the obvious follow-up question:

2. You've seen films of the APOLLO astronauts walking around on the Moon, why didn't they fall off?
About 20 percent of the people changed their answer to the first question when they heard this one! But the most amazing part was that about half of them confidently answered, "Because they were wearing heavy boots."

This reminds me of a girl who, when our Biology teacher was talking about "test tube" babies, wanted to know if they were "tall and thin".

Putting the "Shiny" back into Scientology
Ever since Alan disappeared into Sea Org, the house has been on the Clam mailing list. They are the most prolific junk mailers I have, dropping a wealth of Scietologyisms on the doorstep almost daily for the last few years. Expensive, high gloss junk that offers a bizarre look into their "normal". Quite a lot of it is just odd, like the ongoing "messages" from L Ron presented as editorials despite his, yanno, being DEAD for several decades. But hey, if messages from the grave keep the clams happy, who am I to argue? Today's offering tickled my fancy:

Disco colored Emeters. Nothing quite like watching a group of delusional placenta munchers the church reach out. Yeah, that's what Scientology has been missing. The bright jewel tones and the gloss finish will totally distract people from the idiocy of the belief system the nay sayers!

Baptists say the darndest things!
In keeping with the wacky stuff true believers come up with, _icelady_ pointed me at this fundy science discussion message board. The whole thing is surreal, and while the "logic" had me amused I think my favorite aspect is the little row of crosses rating the authors. It reminds me of driving through the twisty roads in the Italian Alps. Whenever we'd hit a particularly treacherous curve there'd be a row of crosses marking how many people died there. Of course on this forum I wonder if the crosses represent the people who died banging their heads repeatedly on the keyboards when caught in discussions with these folks.

Uber Geeky Molecules with Silly Names
"Yes, believe it or not, there is actually a molecule called Arsole... and it's a ring!
...Furthermore, the structure where arsole is fused to a benzene ring is called 'benzarsole', and apparently when it's fused to 6 benzenes it would be called 'sexibenzarsole'"

Good Times

Chemistry Quotes
This is part of a huge and very strange webring, answering the question: What did the science club do instead of getting laid?
IOldies but goodies to spare the pop up weary:

Free radicals have revolutionized chemistry.
Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Biochemistry is the study of carbon compounds that crawl.
Chemicals: Noxious substances from which modern foods are made.
Remember, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate!
Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division.

And of course:
"Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof." -- Ashley Montague

Icon I like

I found this on princesskraene's journal. She doesn't know who made it either, but it's fabulous. If anyone knows who made it lemmie know? I'd like to credit the maker.
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