I lack the words

Aug 02, 2010 08:21

Driving to Vermont again on Wednesday Thursday. Bringing Steph, her husband and her baby down to stay with us for a week or so. My mother is pumped. I'm kind of pumped, too. But I mean, I have trouble sleeping enough as it is without a newborn in my castle. OH WELL. THIS IS WHAT EXCEDRIN WAS INVENTED FOR I THINK. I DON'T KNOW, I WASN'T THERE, BUT IT SEEMS LIKE A GOOD GUESS.

In other, non-baby news (yes, I know I'm like a day late with this shit):

image Click to view

Chaeyeon and BEAST? Wait, no, that doesn't quite cover the excitement. CHAEYEON AND BEAST!? WHAT GOD DID I PLEASE TO DESERVE THIS IN MY LIFE? PS: BEAST? I'm still willing to fix the Special choreo. You just have to let me.

Also, it turns out that I have 25 BEAST icons in my userpics these days. Oh, LJ. You please me with your crazy userpics limits.

roll the reel, very personal, trufax, cutenakedlady, shedevil, my sick, plus vagina, jesus fucking christ

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