just something I found in school

Jun 03, 2011 20:17

hey there :D I just want to share something I found in school today. I went in to the board room, or the conference room A as they call it now, since when did they change? and saw this:

I was surprised to find this in my school, since most of the students are kpop fans. I was happy that there are people out there who love JE too! <33 but but cough cough. why cancel out ARASHI?! D: haha seriously I was yelling "EH WHY CANCEL OUT ARASHI D<" and HSJ and Tegomass too! so biased huh. then I thought that maybe this was written by my juniors, who are NEWS fans and biased towards Yamapi. haha who knows.

but still, glad to know that there are other JE fans out there somewhere in my school.<33

and the other day, when I was out for lunch with my friends, one of them was exploring my wallet. She saw the Arashi 2R card I have in my wallet and she was like who's this. oh arashi? wait wow I'm surprised she actually knows and recognises Arashi. I should have asked how she knew. okay anw, I replied yeah arashi hehe. then she continued i thought you liked big bang. so you're one of those rare people who like jpop huh. I was like HUH BIG BANG MY FOOT. I would never in hell like kpop! why in the world did you think that I like bigbang! D< okay I never actually said that out in fear of being bashed, so in the end I just smiled and said haha no lah. yes I like jpop and being rareunique. :)

but seriously, I don't think people that like jpop are rare. I mean, look at the number of visits from Singapore on the flagcounter on some arashi fan journal/community, and you'll find Singapore like in the top 5. or top 10 at least. :D

spread the j-love yeah :D

♥bakanishi {赤西仁}, `random!, ♥ARASHI {嵐}, ♥KAT-TUN {カトゥーン}, `school!

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